Organic Farming Advisory Organization (OFAO) is a national non-governmental and nonprofit organization, founded in 2015 by South Sudanese and legally registered on October 17th, 2017, with the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) with registration number 1060.

OFAO was established to address potential issues and consumers’ perceptions regarding Genetically Modified Organisms and chemicals. The organization also responds to the outcry of the citizens of the Republic of South Sudan, who are in dire need of support for ecological agricultural advancement to enhance food production and the ecosystem, as agriculture is the economic backbone of the nation. Equally, it was founded with the aim of building a community capable of creating healthy nutrition, socioeconomic development, and environmental conservation and sustaining it free from chemicals for generations. Its programs are community-based with an emphasis on capacity building and local ownership in the sectors of food security and livelihood, health & nutrition, research, environmental conservation, and economic empowerment for vulnerable women and youths as a way of eradicating poverty. OFAO also promotes organic farming and other agricultural development activities through participatory approaches.

OFAO has a functional Board of Directors totaling eight (8) active members, with four women and four men who are elected by the general assembly. They oversee and supervise the functions of the management, develop policies, and manage all the resources of the organization.

  1. Vision
    To be a center of excellence in enhancing capacities of urban and rural farming communities to produce health nutrient-dense organic crops for both boosting their food security and nutrition and improving livelihoods through income realized from sale of their produce.
  2. Mission
    Promote organic agriculture and sustainable development through sharing practical approaches which result in improvement of food security and livelihood, health and nutrition, environmental conservation and economic empowerment.

Guiding Philosophy, Values and Principles

Believing that the people have a right to holistic development in order to live a constructive life, and with conviction that poverty and misery are a result of social-economic problems, poor Governance and lack of capacity for self-development, Organic Farming Advisory Organization commits herself to promote the holistic well-being of vulnerable people in South Sudan.

In pursuit of its chosen mission, OFAO will uphold the following values and principles in the way we work, relate to each other, our clients and various constituencies. The values and principles grounded in the Organizations’ philosophy include;

OFAO believes in the trustworthiness in what we do, understanding well that, it’s our trustworthiness that builds Offering advisory services to local communities and cooperative societies in productive farming practices especially for women, Youths and disabled persons.

Recognizing the God–given dignity of each person is essential to sustainable development. The dignity of each person is reflected in the objectives and activities of Organic Farming Advisory Organization. The right of each person to participate fully in society, to have adequate food and housing, to have the opportunity to get education and to develop his or her talents, is inherent to each person’s dignity as a child of God.

We believe in practicality than theories through physical and virtual engagement of the stakeholders. Organic Farming Advisory Organization encourages innovativeness in solving problems and seizing of opportunities and is committed to work together as a team and with all stakeholders to arrive at coherent and effective programs of action.

OFAO shall employ a worker/employee based on merits, academic qualifications and skills required for the work; but not by taking sides based on religious affiliation, background, gender, relations, etc.

OFAO shall remain transparent in management, sharing new ideas and information and utilization of resources in order to make a peaceful and conducive working environment. Organic Farming Advisory Organization maximizes its service capability through responsible stewardships of all entrusted resources. This is complemented by the highest standards, flexibility, innovativeness and expediency in Programme implementation.

Organic Farming Advisory Organization strives to maintain the highest degree of professionalism, respect, honesty and fairness in dealing with the public and all stakeholders.

Organic Farming Advisory Organization is committed to providing services to all vulnerable groups in South Sudan consistent with its mandate and value. Total commitment and dedication for the achievement of OFAO’s vision.

Organic Farming Advisory Organization is committed to providing services to all vulnerable groups in South Sudan consistent with its mandate and value. Total commitment and dedication for the achievement of OFAO’s vision.