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Food Security & Livelihoods

Enhancing food security and rural livelihoods through sustainable agriculture and market access.

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Research & Development

Driving farming innovation through evidence-based research in sustainable agriculture.

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Healthy Nutrition Access

Improving community health with sustainable nutrition education and agriculture practices.

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Organic Farming Advisory Organization

Organic Farming Advisory Organization (OFAO) is a National Non-Governmental and Non-profit making Organization, founded in 2015 by South Sudanese and legally registered in October 17th, 2017 with South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) with registration number 1060.

Organic Farming Advisory Organization

About Organic Farming Advisory Organization

OFAO delivers its programmes in a participatory and community-based approach with an emphasis on capacity building and local ownership through practical demonstration….

About us
Organic Farming Advisory Organization

Mission Statement

Promote organic agriculture and sustainable development through sharing practical approaches which result in improvement of food security and livelihood….

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Organic Farming Advisory Organization

Vision Statement

To be a center of excellence in enhancing capacities of urban and rural farming communities to produce health nutrient-dense organic crops for both boosting their food security….

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Join Our Mission and Make a Difference with Organic Farming Advisory Organization in South Sudan

Donate to OFAO to promote organic farming, food security, health, and economic empowerment for vulnerable populations. Your contribution helps build a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Partner Organizations

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our partners for their unwavering support and collaboration in our mission to empower communities and foster sustainable development in South Sudan.